Monday, April 26, 2010

So ......

It's been a year - opps :) I will not make any promises that I will post all the time but I will try to do better. Things are busy but I would say the past year has been awesome. I have had many opportunities to travel however the best trips have been with my best friend. Last summer we explored Chicago many weekends and decided we love Chicago. Then we went to SoCal - neither of us had ever been there before. Now we dream of beaches and In N Out Burger. :) We are in the midst of planning another big trip for this summer which means not as many smaller trips to Chi-town, but we still love you!

I have been thinking about the trips and how I have fallen in love with so many new places. Part of me wonders why .... why these particular spots. I think I have figured it out.

As we grow up we have lots of friends and sometimes several best friends. If you are lucky you may keep in touch with some of them as the years pass by (Facebook has made this much easier). But I believe that the friends you make when you are older are more likely to be the ones who have the missing pieces that help form you. They are the ones you can be you with. There is no need to try to be anything but you. I know, I know we are never supposed to not be real but by saying you never did that in high school are you being real? When you are younger it is much easier to lose who you are in friendships. I think when we are out of college, working, and on our own we better realize who we are. And the friendships we make during this time are the ones that help put the finishing touches on you.

We are all shaped by our individual circumstances. When we use those circumstances to help others along the path we become more complete. As we do this we cultivate friendships that have a lasting bond.

Ok so that made sense to me ... hopefully it did to you as well. :)

Back to why I think the places I traveled to with my best friend are the places I love. Because I was with a friend who knows my faults, silliness, the tendency to talk first then think, and she still calls me her best friend. She is like me and just likes to explore - sure in SoCal we spent hours (and I do mean hours) in a car (convertible - don't be a hater :)). But in those hours we talked, sang at the top of our lungs, and found some amazing views. And at the end of the day we were able to say we had the best day ever.

I encourage you if you have never taken a trip with your best friend do, even if it's down the road somewhere. Cause you never know what kind of adventure it will be and what places you will fall in love with.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

While I'm Waiting

This song speaks volumes to me.

I'm waiting
I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am hopeful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it is painful
But patiently, I will wait

I will move ahead, bold and confident
Taking every step in obedience

While I'm waiting I will serve You
While I'm waiting I will worship
While I'm waiting I will not faint
I'll be running the race
Even while I wait I'm waiting

I'm waiting on You, Lord
And I am peaceful
I'm waiting on You, Lord
Though it's not easy
But faithfully, I will wait
Yes, I will wait

I will move ahead, bold and confident
Taking every step in obedience

While I'm waiting I will serve You
While I'm waiting I will worship
While I'm waiting I will not faint
I'll be running the race
Even while I wait

I will serve You while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting
I will serve You while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting
I will serve you while I'm waiting
I will worship while I'm waiting on You, Lord

Friday, November 28, 2008

The More I Seek You

As I am sitting in my recliner drinking hot tea from my favorite orange mug I am realizing how much I have to be thankful for. I purchased my first home this summer and it is really beginning to feel like it is home. Pictures are on the wall and tomorrow the Christmas tree will be up. Everyone who comes in my home says that it is peaceful. I am thankful for that because that was my prayer - that my house would be a place of peace. I went through a time in recent years where I needed a place of peace and I know what it is like trying to find that. By finding a place where I felt safe and peaceful I was able to learn that peace can be anywhere, because peace only comes from God. My prayer is that I can help others realize the same thing.

I am heading into a quiet season for the next few months and I feel God calling me closer to Him. Wanting me to spend more time with Him. The song in my heart is "The More I Seek You". And that is my goal, just to sit at His feet and become overwhelmed with the realization of His peace and His love for me. It's the next step on my Journey. What is the step Jesus is asking you to take and are you willing to do it?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Today I was talking with a good friend. It is her 25th wedding anniversary. We were talking about the way that God works things out in your life in order to put you in the place He needs you to be.

I am sooooo thankful for the things I have gone through. Being completely honest at the time I did not necessarily like what was happening. But today I was able to walk back through some of the things that have happened in the last 12 years and see how they all worked together to get me to where I am today. I honestly have no doubt that I would not be where I am and involved in the ministries I am without going through the rough times. So tonight while I may be frustrated and ready for the next door I am also so very thankful that God took the shattered pieces of my life and allowed them to help others.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Is it possible to get over your fears?

For years I was absolutely petrified and near about paralyzed during thunderstorms. Right now I am at home just enjoying the sound of the rain and yes even the thunder. I feel completely safe and at peace.

I wonder if the next time I am going through a stormy patch in my life if I will remember this moment and trust that the God who has given me peace over one of my biggest fears is the same God who wants to give me peace in my storm. Sure hope so.

Always remember He said He would never leave you or forsake you. He is ALWAYS there no matter how you feel or what is happening. And if you get scared and forget all you have to do is call His name and He is there.

Monday, June 30, 2008

My heart is breaking

Today my heart broke for my country. The people live in such darkness and with no hope turn to things such as alcohol, drugs and promiscuity. There is no hope that they know of. I just learned that in one major city there is no church. There is actually not a church for 1500 miles. By now you may realize that I am not speaking of the US. No the country that pulls at my heart and at times I want to be there so bad it hurts is Russia. I can’t begin to express how I am feeling as I type this. You see there is an appeal to go to Siberia to help start a new work. The ironic thing is I always joke about how God made me to live in Siberia (I absolutely love the cold weather.)

The thing is I know, I know, I know with out a shadow of doubt that I am in the place that God wants me to be in right now. I know that He placed me where I am at for such a time as this. I know that the training and experience I am gaining is exactly what He wants so that I can be a blessing and further the Kingdom. Yet my heart hurts. Sometimes being in the will of God is not easy, at the moment I would much rather be making plans and getting on a plane. But I can have peace because I know God can feel what I feel and He is giving me a big hug right now.

If you have a chance go to the following link. Learn about the opportunity and pray for labors. And please promise me that if God tugs at your heart and you can go that you will contact the Carpenters.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Stop the World I want to get off

Not really but sometimes I wonder how I can possibly be as busy as I am. I leave for Conference in just over two weeks. Next Tuesday I will have been at my job for a year. And one of my best friends has moved to China. Two of my friends are teaching at a college - just when did we get old enough to teach at college? Things just seem to keep moving at the time that you want to hold the moments close and not let go. I guess that is all part of a journey though - you gotta keep moving.